Cycling for Democracy

Natural Justice (Kenya)


Director(s) : David Liver & François Combin
Presented by : Nicolas Bourion
Production : Council of Europe, Eurométropole de Strasbourg & URUBU Films
Initiatives : Let’s Do It World (Estonia), Natural Justice (Kenya), Retake Roma (Italy), Cidades Sustentáveis (Brazil), Wise Greece (Greece), Green Hope Foundation (Canada), EcoPeace (Israel), Equipo Europa (Spain), Seangle (Indonesia), Municipality of Ii (Finland), Extinction Rebellion (Germany), CADR 67 (France)
Format : 13 x 6 minutes

In 13 episodes of 6 minutes each, the series Cycling for Democracy is travelling around the world to discover local civic initiatives, all dealing with environmental issues. Can democracy save the environment?

Rose is waiting for us in Nairobi to tell us all about the initiative Natural Justice, founded to ensure the rights of local communities. While wandering around the City in the Sun, Rose and her colleagues describe how legal empowerment is a precious tool in the protection of indigenous rights.